The overcrowded diet pill market has many products within its genre that do that more than just help to aid weight loss. The NV Rapid Weight Loss and Beauty Pill is just one in a long list of dual purpose diet pills.
The marketing people behind the advertising have done clever job in firstly employing the services of a face and body, Carmen Electra to be precise. The actress, singer and model does not seem as though she is in need of much help in the weight loss or beauty department but nevertheless it is easier to promote a weight loss pill with evidence of success.
The packaging of this diet pill is rather confusing - bright pillar box red as opposed to the normal pharmaceutical type packaging. It is more inline with a perfume products than one for weight loss.
Marketing aside, the important question is Does the NV Rapid Weight Loss Pill Work?
The formula consists of three modules; weight loss, energy compound and a beauty complex. So a three in one pill if you like.
The weight loss part does not appear to contain enough of the active ingredients needed to help with weight loss and dieting. The stated 267 mg combining Hoodia Gordonii extract, green tea extract and Theobromide should be more concentrated - but then how would they squeeze in the energizer and beautifier?
The energizer part contains ginseng, adaptogens and rhodeola rosea - when combined forms a tried a tested pick me up and can increase energy and mental awareness.
Lastly, the complex aimed at improving beauty contains collagen, alpha lipoic acid and silca with a bit of Q10 thrown in for good measure. A combination of these substances has been wheeled out for years and sold as the answer to every womens prayers as a way of holding back the effects of time on the skin.
As with most of these dual purpose weight loss pills (or tri purpose in this case) it tries to compete in too many markets rather than concentrate on just dieters. Although people in need of a weight loss solution would be partial to an added bonus of added energy and extra beauty I am certain that the major reason for buying the diet pill is for its weight loss benefits, which sadly this diet pill does not deliver.
Tony Jay writes for here you will information and reviews of leading Diet Pills

ViSalus Weight Loss Reviews- Why is this Weight Loss Challenge is Different from the Rest?
According to thousands of ViSalus weight loss reviews, even in today's economy ViSalus continues to grow and prosper. In fact, only few companies can claim that they are doing well and thriving at this time, but according to thousands of ViSalus weight loss reviews, this company is one of them. So what's the reason for their roaring success? What are the factors that make ViSalus so popular even in these hard economical times?
You can understand why this company is thriving by understanding the kind of contribution that it makes to those who use their health supplements, and systems? ViSalus offers health supplements, shakes, and numerous other fitness challenges and health products, and is being supported by a huge community.

Although such products have been here for years, but the reason why this company's growth has been exploding today is that its programs and products are much superior in several aspects, and deliver the promised results. Moreover, demand for these products is greater now than ever. In a recent study by Center for Disease Control, it has been found that about half all adult Americans are now obese. This number has doubled in just 26 years. According to ViSalus weight loss reviews an additional 63 percent are overweight to the extent that they face grave health risks due to their weight issues.
Why ViSalus?
So what's the reason for so many people choosing Vi 90 Day Challenge over other alternatives? Well, let's have a close look at few main reasons.
* Affordability- According to ViSalus weight loss reviews, the ViShake (meal replacement shakes) come at just $2 per serving, which is much less and more nutritious that you'd spend on food at any fast-food store.

* Genuine health and fitness products! - The biggest reason for the success of the company is the great products produced by them. The company's main products "healthy breakfast smoothies." and Vi-shakes that tastes great. Many reviewers have mentioned that they taste as if you are having some dessert instead of dieting. Their sweet butter cream flavor tastes just like pudding or a cake. Due to the healthy breakfast smoothies, shakes and supplements from ViSalus, people are able to lose weight without any crankiness or other awful side-effects usually experienced when your body feel deprived. This happens because your body is not being deprived and gets more than 23 vital minerals and vitamins.

* The Challenge-Understanding on how motivating a challenge can be, the founders of ViSalus offer a 90 day challenge (challenging them to get back in shape), which helps their members to reach their fitness goals and even win great prizes if they are successful in the biggest transformation within 30 days!

* The Bonuses- According to many ViSalus weight loss reviews, aside from providing tools for a healthy lifestyle, ViSalus sciences also offers people the opportunity to earn big money and great bonuses. Members can refer company to others and can get commission for each and every new member that signs up with company through them. They can also win big prizes such as vacations and cars if they become top performers of the month.

The support from the other members and community gives new members a sense of belonging and as per ViSalus weight loss reviews this is what helps to drive them towards success, because there are people with all levels of fitness and everybody does best to ensure that everybody reaches their goals. ViSalus sciences are unbeatable and continue to grow because it stays ahead of the pack due to its great adaptability. It keeps a close eye on ways the users are using systems and products, and makes suitable changes to accommodate their wishes.

Explore ViSalus on our website more and see if you're up to the "Vi 90 day Challenge."
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How to Find the Right Weight Loss Plan
If you are among the millions of people who struggle with their weight, you may have had a hard time settling on a weight loss plan that really works. There are so many different products and plans out there that all claim to offer the best results. How can you develop a weight loss plan that will finally help you get rid of those extra pounds? This article can help.

It is important to make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds in two months, or plan to run a marathon in the next year if you can barely walk to the corner. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve so that you are not disappointed.

You should also distinguish between your long-term and your short-term goals, and make sure that they do not conflict with each other. Each short-term goal that you achieve should represent real progress toward one of your long-term goals. As you achieve more and more short-term goals, you can revise your long-term goals to be more ambitious if you are doing particularly well.

As you work, keep your goals in mind and focus on them. Try to remove any distractions from your life that will prevent you from being fully committed to your goals. The more focused and motivated you are, the more likely you will be to reach your goals and achieve that ideal body that you have always wanted.

It is important to remember that weight loss does not happen instantly. You are not going to wake up the next day and suddenly weigh twenty or thirty pounds less. Weight loss requires real effort over a long period of time. If you want to be able to keep the weight off for the rest of your life, you have to be willing to make real changes to your lifestyle so that you do not fall into bad habits.

When you choose a weight loss plan, you are not making a lifetime commitment to it. If one plan is not giving you the results you need, feel free to make any adjustments that you need and see if those work better for you. If you are just not happy with a plan after a while, try a different one. The important thing is to commit yourself to the goal of good health, not to stick to a single plan even if it does not work well for you.

To successfully lose the weight and get yourself in better shape, you need to have a plan that will really work. If you do not know what you are doing, it is all too easy to get trapped in a cycle of rapid weight loss followed by equally rapid weight gain. By using the ideas in the preceding article, you can finally get rid of that extra weight and keep it off over the long-term.

Want to know more about diet and nutrition just visit there you might find what you are looking for.
Husin Abdullah has been writing a lot of articles about diet programs and losing weight for much different purpose. If you really interesting in losing weight and want to know more about just visit there you might find what you are looking for.
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Natural weight loss pills are becoming more popular because they offer a safer solution to helping you lose weight.
The fact is, people living in the western world are becoming more overweight. A combination of poor diet and lack of exercise is leading to an obesity epidemic.
Growing Obesity Epidemic
The growing rates of obesity have also resulted in US$20 billion being spent on weight loss pills every year. Many of these diet pills and fad diets don't work. Many are also bad for your health.
Prescription and 'over the counter' diet pills contain chemicals that can cause unpleasant side effects. The numerous fad diets that appear every year are often accompanied with claims that fat will disappear from your hips in a short period of time without any exercise.
Fact is, these claims are bogus and if they do work it's often the result of drastic calorie restrictions and intense aerobic exercises that can endanger your health.
Message Still Not Getting Through
Even though it's been said again and again most people are not getting the message. In order to lose weight safely requires a combination of eating less, exercising more and time. The body needs to time to adapt, pushing it unnaturally to lose large amounts of weight very fast is asking for trouble.
Unfortunately, we live in a society that demands instant results. Most people have been so conditioned by this that they no longer have the patience to wait and let nature take its course.
The reality is that people end up in a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting, of losing weight, putting it back on and then on to the next fad diet.
This strategy involves people wasting a considerable amount of time and money with the end result of becoming more overweight than when they first started. Not to mention the long term damage they have caused to their health.
Eat Less Burn More
By eating less and burning more calories you will eventually lose weight at a rate your body can cope with naturally. Now, you can help speed up this process to a degree by using good quality natural weight loss pills.
The best weight loss pills will include ingredients that have been and fully tested, regulated and scientifically proven to work. It's important to point out that these natural diets pills are not miracle drugs, the weight is not going to fall off the moment you take them.
For you to benefit the supplements have to be taken as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a natural low calorie diet and regular exercise.
Common ingredients used in natural weight loss supplements include, capsicum pepper extract, prickly pear extract, caffeine and plant fibers. Because the ingredients are natural, they're not toxic to your body and you won't experience any of the unpleasant side effects often associated with chemically based diet pills.
Choosing The Best
When choosing a natural diet product it's important to conduct your own research. Don't buy a product because it's endorsed by a celebrity because it may not be right for you.
Spend some time on the internet looking at the different brands that are available. Compare prices, know the advantages and disadvantages and read the customer feedback.
Once you've done your homework, show your findings to your doctor for a medical opinion. Your doctor can use their expertise and experience to assess the best option for your personal circumstances.
If you don't fancy spending many hours searching through the internet in the hope of finding a quality weight loss pill, then go to where you'll will find in-depth research and independent reviews on some of the best natural weight loss pills available.

Body building is the art of working out the muscles and paying proper attention to nutrition in order to get a ripped and lean body mass. Afterwards, body builders display their physiques in front of a panel of judges and the crowd to get points and prize monies.
This article won't discuss about body building but how body building can play a positive impact for the weight loss individuals. Body building is a sport which requires strict discipline and a will to succeed and these criteria are needed for the weight loss person as well.
One of the major differences is that the weight loss individual doesn't need to train as hard as a body builder because he is not participating into competitions to win prizes. But proper nutrition is still important to achieve results. Lifting weights will help the weight loss pursuer because weight training will tone up the muscles and increase sweating and blood circulation. And coupled with aerobic training or cardio exercising like jogging, swimming, walking, aerobics, cycling amongst others, the weight loss achiever will be able to accomplish his goals with time and patience.
The body building diet will definitely help the person losing weight because body builders eat specific foods which are low in fat but high in protein. Also they eat carbohydrates in limited quantities not like eating 2-3 dishes of rice in a single sitting. It's important to control the amount you eat in a single meal. You can build fat easily if you don't. This is why you see body builders eating 4-6 meals every 2-3 hours in small quantities. There is good reason why. When they feed their bodies this way, their metabolism rises and their bodies tend to burn more fat rather than store it. So if you want to lose weight, consider a body building diet and avoid the 3 big meals a day. You should preferably eat less during dinner time and at night. And eating a lot before sleeping isn't recommended. At least 2 hours before bed time, you might have a skim milk and a piece of low fat cheese egg cottage cheese, low fat cheddar cheese.
Here is a sample body building diet which can be applied to your weight loss needs.
Meal 1: 7 am
3 egg whites
1 cup of oatmeal with skimmed milk
1 average banana
1 glass of water
Meal 2: 10 am
1 skinless chicken breast about 6 ounces
1 potato
1 cup of green beans
1 glass of water
Meal 3: 1 pm
1 white fish fillet about 6 ounces
1 sweet potato
1 cup of broccoli
1 orange
1 glass of water
Training: 3 pm
Meal 4: 4 pm
1 salmon fillet about 6 ounces
1 potato
1 cup of asparagus
1 glass of water
Meal 5: 7 pm
1 skinless chicken breast about 6 ounces
1 cup of broccoli
1 orange
1 glass of water
Meal 6: 10 pm
1 glass of skim milk
1 piece of low fat cheese like cottage cheese or low fat cheddar cheese
The above meal is a sample diet and you can customize it if you want. You can include only 4 meals in your diet whichever suits you best because the time of waking up and sleep can vary. But avoid the 3 meals since you can get hungrier in between the meal times and snack on anything. The cooking techniques are important as well. Opt for boiling, grilling or baked instead of frying in oil.
Now here is your body building training.
Just 1 hour workout per day is sufficient and you need to train different body parts on different days. It's not very important to train exactly like a body builder since your goal is different. You might not train all body parts if you want and the intensity of your workouts won't be as hard as a body builder. The important thing is you need to feel you've spent your energy, you feel exhausted and you've sweat a lot.
Monday: Chest and triceps
Tuesday: Back and biceps
Wednesday: Aerobic training or cardio exercises like treadmill, stationary cycling, stepper(1 hour)
Thursday: Shoulders and abdominals
Friday: Legs and calves
Saturday: Aerobic training or cardio exercises like treadmill, stationary cycling, stepper(1 hour)
Sunday: REST
Barbell/Dumbbell Flat Bench Press - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell/Dumbbell Incline Bench Press - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Dumbbell Flyes - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Cable Crossover - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell/Dumbbell Overhead Extension - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell/Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Cable Pushdown - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell Bent-Over Rows - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
One Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell/Dumbbell Deadlift - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell Curl - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Alternate Dumbbell Curl - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell/Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Barbell/Dumbbell Press - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Dumbbell Front Raises - 3 sets of 8-10 repeats
Leg Raises - 4 sets of 10-30 repeats
Crunches - 4 sets of 10-30 repeats
Leg Extension - 3 sets of 10 repeats
Leg Press - 3 sets of 10 repeats
Squats - 3 sets of 10 repeats
Barbell Standing Calf Raises - 3 sets of 20 repeats
Seated Calf Raises Machine - 3 sets of 20 repeats
Well this is just a sample training which you can customize to suit you. If you're not able to perform some of these exercises, it will be better to focus more on the aerobic training first and add more sessions per week and do some body weight exercises as well to tone up your muscles before getting into weight training. Examples of body weight exercises are push ups and squats without weights on your shoulder. Other exercises like dips and pull ups are great too but they are very hard when you're just starting out.
If you want to know how the above exercises are performed, make a list on paper and consult your gym instructor. With time you will get used to all this and your weight loss goal will become a success.

When it comes to vitamin D, we are learning more all the time how this important vitamin can help us. We will get into our sources of vitamin D in a minute, but first these are some of the exciting new findings for this true wonder vitamin. 
There is now evidence to linking vitamin D to reducing Alzheimer's Disease, benefits to eye health, the prevention of Type 2 diabetes, seizure control in epilepsy, and the treatment of tuberculosis.
But here we will focus on strength and weight loss. In a recent study published in the journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that when participants combined vitamin D with resistance training there was a greater positive change in waist-to-hip ratio than those who only did resistance weight training. Waist-to-hip ratio is now considered a far better measure in to determining your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes than body mass index (BMI). This ratio really highlights the importance of abdominal fat for improved health.
Other research has found that those with higher levels of vitamin D in their systems had greater arm and leg strength, with a greater association found with arm strength. We normally associate this vitamin with helping bones absorb calcium, newer research has found that it plays a crucial role in the development of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Since the arms and upper body have more of the fast-twitch muscle fibers than the legs, this is the reason why the vitamin has a greater effect on the upper body.
In another study of NFL players it was found that players who suffered muscle injuries generally had significantly lower levels of vitamin D. Surprisingly, the study found that 27% of the players in this study had deficient levels, meaning that if these deficiencies were addressed by all professional teams it would be possible to reduce athletic injuries, perhaps dramatically.
So what are the best ways for us to get this valuable vitamin, and is there any risk from getting too much? The best way is from the sun. When the cholesterol in the skin becomes exposed to sunlight, it is converted to vitamin D. But since we have been told how detrimental sunlight and cholesterol is to our health, it is no wonder so many people are deficient. As with anything, they must be kept within safe levels. It is recommended that sun exposure on the arms and legs for 5-30 minutes a day twice a week at midday is adequate. This is where we should be getting 80-90% of the vitamin.
Of course if it is winter and you don't see the sunlight for weeks at a time, there are some excellent food sources. Vitamin D fortified orange juice or milk is good, as are egg yolks, cheese, butter and fortified cereals. Salmon and other fatty fish are also excellent sources. But since it is recommended that we get 600-800 IU of vitamin D, which is a lot of salmon to eat if you don't have other sources. Supplements in this case may be the last resort answer, but most experts that aren't selling supplements agree that this isn't your best source for vitamin D.
Vitamin D is certainly one of our vital vitamins, but we should look to get it through other sources than through supplementation. As we mentioned in the article the value of salmon for vitamin D, and please take a look at the article for more information. Rich Carroll is a writer and health enthusiast now living in Chicago.

Individuals who have lean and strong muscles are often looked upon as having an ideal body. Nearly all weightlifters have perfect limbs, waists and abs. This is because a majority of them have taken and stuck to weightlifting programs that are common these days.
Gone are the days where you have to go to the gym and spend hours using the treadmill just to get yourself into good shape. Now, you can lose weight and build muscles fast from the comfort of your home. All you need is an ideal fitness system that will change your life.
The Road to a Perfect Body
Just because you have no time to work out at a gym does not mean you have any less of a chance in having great abs. It is not too late to discover the secrets of burning fat to reveal well-defined pecs, rock-hard abs and well-toned muscles the right way. These days, you can keep yourself informed about how you can prevent yourself from looking like a muscle head.
You have a lot work to do and can't find time to attend some workout sessions - that's understandable! But lack of schedule should not hinder you from reaching your weight loss goals. At home, you can do cardio exercises that can help you burn those body fats, take supplements that can improve your performance and start a diet program.
Online Body Building and Weight Loss Information Sources
The problem with many dieters and bodybuilders is motivation. Many feel lazy and don't want to lift weights and do cardio exercises. Online courses can help you keep yourself motivated to keep going along with weight loss and weightlifting effort you may have started. Take advantage of available weightlifting resources and discover how other people build the perfect body.
Imagine learning about nutritional secrets that can help you burn fats or knowing the truth about weightlifting supplements. With many online information resources, you have the chance to know which bodybuilding supplements will help you in reaching your goals. Consider online courses when preparing to build a perfect body.
Grab the opportunity to learn about a fitness system that will lead you towards having the body and abs you have always dreamed of having. Make your dream into a reality. It is time to take action and try new things that can give you great results.
I have prepared very powerful body building techniques below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: body building weight loss

Ever heard of Muscle Max XL? Muscle Max XL helps you do what you want most - lose surplus body fat, be more energetic, stay fit, and have a body that screams its presence. Recommended by trainers around the world, this dietary supplement works wonders. Hence, weight loss, body building, and muscle max XL are essentially interconnected to one another.
You often find that when you exercise, you reach a point where you cannot workout anymore. Your muscles appear to have gone stiff, you're out of energy, and from the looks of it you're a failure at developing the kind of body you've always dreamt of. This is because of the production of lactic acid in your muscles that, by creating an acidic environment around your tissues, works to stiffen your body, cause fatigue, and ultimately cause you to stop exercising. Situations like these are where Muscle Max XL comes in handy. High in oxidants, particularly Acai Berries, it dissolves the excess lactic acid produced, balances the pH levels around your muscles, and helps you cross what you perceived were your limits - without the tiredness setting in, you find you can work out harder and for longer without causing yourself damage.
Apart from helping you burn your own body fat by enabling you to exercise longer and harder, Muscle Max XL also does the same by itself - its ingredients, free of steroids, help burn body fat and convert it into energy. The result is twofold; not only do you find yourself to be leaner and losing extra weight, you also realize that your energy levels have reached new peaks. You feel refreshed and invigorated throughout the day, and sooner than anticipated, you'll realize you've lost more fat than you could have imagined. You said you can't believe it. Why don't you give it a try?
Last but certainly not the least, perhaps the most astonishing feature of Muscle Max XL is the way it builds your muscles, giving you the perfect biceps, triceps, and abs. 8-packs? No problem. Not only are you exercising for longer and losing fat, Muscle Max XL is also, as you go about your routine, helping your muscles grow using massive supplies of some of the most important proteins.
Ultimately, Muscle Max XL ensures you have the kind of body that you've always dreamed of, and girls have always longed for. There is certainly no harm in making up your mind and giving it a try. Won't you?
Humayun Mujahid, with masters degree in English Language, is a seasoned ESL Expert and a freelance writer who enjoys writing on a variety of subjects. You can approach him via:

If you have been looking for the right method to lose weight fast, it is very likely that you have already been bombarded with information, and are over-loaded with conflicting and confusing theories. Most of these come from parties who have the ulterior motive of tempting you into a product or a service. It is time to start simplifying the mess. Simply put, the most effective weight loss method known to man is building the body's muscle mass.
More Muscle Means Faster Metabolism
Your body consists of both fat and muscle, and they have opposite effects on your metabolism, which is the rate at which your body burns calories. While fat slows down your metabolic rate, muscle speeds it up. So, the more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn in a day, even while at rest! Combine an enhanced metabolic rate with a controlled diet, and you have cracked the weight loss problem. However, once you have decided to embark on a muscle building program, you have to know the right way to do it.
Warm Up
It is not a good idea to just plunge into a muscle training session. A proper warm up session of 15-20 minutes is imperative to make sure that your muscles have optimal range of motion, and minimize the risk of injury. Warm up should consist of 5-10 minutes of a light cardio exercise, such as a brisk walk or a light jog, and proper stretching of all those muscles you are planning to work.
Emphasize on the Right Posture
As a beginner, the right posture should be your main emphasis while doing muscle training. This is where you need proper guidance. If your posture is not correct, you may not be putting the right stress on your target muscles, and you are risking a serious injury.
Allow the Body to Adapt
The other main priority for the first 2-3 weeks is to allow the muscles to adapt to the extra work-load. At this stage you should not be putting too much strain on your muscles. Begin by limiting any given exercise to a single set of 8-10 repetitions, and choosing a resistance level where you are not struggling to complete a repetition. Once you can manage this much load, you can build up to 2 sets of each exercise.
The Necessity of Rest
The key to building stronger muscles is adequate rest. Muscles adapt and grow in the period of rest following a workout, and not during the workout itself. Make sure that there are 3-4 days of rest from muscle building every week, if you are serious about your workout and weight loss goals. Also, avoid working the same muscles on consecutive days.
No 'Best Formula'
There is no one muscle training formula for fast weight loss. Different techniques may all be equally effective, if implemented carefully and methodically. However, whatever method you use, make sure you give your body a new and slightly different challenge every 2-3 weeks. You could progressively increase the resistance and vary the routine itself. The human body is very adaptable, and if you don't introduce variation, you will see yourself stagnating.
Finally, remember that you will only lose weight fast and consistently, if you follow a balanced and nutritious weight loss diet simultaneously. However, do not starve yourself. While your metabolic rate is picking up, your body is burning energy faster, and needs the right kind of fuel. Starve it, and you will be wasting your muscles rather than building them. This is muscle building to lose weight fast.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.
JOIN NOW - GLOBAL WELLNESS CLUB and receive your FREE joining GIFT e-book, "Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself". Learn more about diet programs, body building techniques, slimming and weight loss secrets, To join CLICK HERE or GO TO

Is it possible to undertake weight loss and muscle-building simultaneously? The experts believe that it is possible on the strength of a balanced diet and a well-planned workout regime, provided you constantly support both the programs regularly. Accomplishing a beautiful and enviable body will entail great sacrifices in your daily style of living, including how you eat, what exercises you do and what supplements you take. A disciplined approach to achieving your goals will give you a splendid, shapely body that will become everyone's envy, and boost your self-confidence to the skies. Let us consider the two elements of exercise and diet/nutrition that are central to the grand success of your aspirations.
Weight loss and muscle-building appear as juxtaposed functions in your quest for a body that will turn heads. However, exercise is a most important element in this process and falls into two categories - the cardiovascular exercises and the weight training exercises.
Cardiovascular exercises build stamina for the body, imparts strength and robustness to your heart. These exercises not only contribute to burning the calories, enhancing the metabolism, playing a major role in getting rid of the stored fats in your body, but also instigate weight loss in some problem areas of your body.
Weight training, on the other hand, relies on several weight lifting exercises that help to build muscles and in the process, you see the body metabolism going faster, burning calories and fat all the way. Weight training includes also body weight exercise like squats, push-ups and the like that do not rely on weights or other equipment. In general, weight training works out every individual part of the body and the exercises enhance blood circulation that, in turn distributes the much-needed nutrients to every organ and parts of the body.
Nutrition and diet
If there is one thing that all weight loss and muscle-building experts agree on, it is the need for good nutrition and a balanced diet. For muscle-building, protein is an important nutrient. Some of its good sources include beans, chicken, fish, and turkey and you achieve best results when you infuse fresh, raw vegetables into your diet. You cannot imagine a better protein input than a sumptuous meal of a tasty green salad with meat or fish.
A mixture of lemon juice and water provides the dual benefit of the lemon juice supplying fat burning enzymes to the body and the water, carefully flushing out the toxic wastes from our body.
In your quest for weight loss and muscle-building, do not forget about the supplements. Hemp protein, when added to shakes after a tiring workout does wonders for your body. Do not be surprised when you hear that those healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and coconut oil have their say in weight loss. Fresh juices using greens and fruits provide healthy nutrition to the body and additionally help to flush out the toxic waste from our bodies.
Click here to know more about Chapel Hill NC Personal Training.

If you are over 50, you have already discovered the problem of losing weight and build muscle when compared to when you were younger. As people age, muscle mass decreases, and when this occurs, the mass is replaced by body fat. 
Building muscle and losing weight when you are over 50 years of age is not that different than when you were younger. 
No matter the age, you should burn more calories, than you drink or eat and you have to gain muscle mass to replace the fat. One obstacle that the over 50 crowd has is that they have slower metabolisms.

The following are ways to build muscle and lose weight

Explaining BMR
One thing you need to know about the over 50 crowd is the fact that your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) decreases with age. BMR is a reference to the energy released by your body while resting. The released energy is used for life-sustaining organs to maintain function. People who have a high BMR tend to burn more calories. You can counteract the reduction in your BMR is to build muscle mass, and this is accomplished through resistance exercises in conjunction with weight training.

You must eat healthy and nutritious meals to keep your body from experiencing shock mode. Do not ever miss a meal if at all possible. When you skip meals, your metabolism decreases. Why does it decrease? It decreases because your body is trying to restore body fat. Ensure that you eat breakfast every morning, no matter how small. Breakfast is THE most significant feast of the day. It is highly recommended that you eat up to six small meals daily. If you do weight training, you should increase the quantities of your meals. This is because your body needs the extra calories during your weight training. If you do not eat enough, you will find a reduction in muscle mass, and this makes your hard work a waste of time.

Focus on Overall Body Workouts
When many over 50 people start exercising, they immediately view their stomachs or hips hoping for a change. There is no magic formula for reducing any part of the body. Exercise affects your entire body, and you should never focus only on doing one specific exercise for one specific body part. You should perform cardio exercises that help in burning fat throughout the body. If you stay focused, you will gradually see your hips and stomach decreasing.

Exercise patience
You should keep in mind that a perfect body or a healthy body is not achieved overnight, especially when you are over 50. Many people complain at this age that no matter how well they eat or how many exercises they accomplish that they cannot lose weight. Most people report feeling better, but they are not pleased with what they see on weight scales. Most people who work out regularly and faithfully do not experience weight loss because they have increased their muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat. Please remain patient while striving to live a healthier life. Your weight problem will go away gradually with hard work and dedication.

"Procrastination is the thief of time," is a phrase, which applies aptly to the continued postponement of our intentions to kick-start a balanced diet regime and an exercise routine that are the cornerstones of our aspirations for weight loss. We find that most of the people around us are already into a proper regime of exercise and diet as part of their daily routine. We only need a little determination and will power to start our regime, set our goals, and if all our family members were to join in, the whole exercise will be both fun and fruitful.

Many people set goals that are impossible and regret their difficulty in achieving them. The secret is to set realistic goals that you can practically achieve and accordingly lose weight. Setting a deadline for achieving your target is also good motivation to reach your objectives on time.

You must ensure that progressive systematic improvements are measurable against the targets set by you. You can do this best by taking photographs at each stage and recording the important data on your body measurements and performance at regular intervals.

The best way to record your findings is to maintain a notebook and log all-important matters including the time you spend on your fitness regime and the progress you achieve, and compare it with the pre-determined figures prepared on a monthly, weekly or daily basis.

Enter all your aspirations regarding weight loss and their schedules in your notebook in advance and compare them with the actual figure on daily, weekly, or hourly basis so that you know where you stand, and what adjustments you have to make, in the future, to correct your results to your pre-stated positions. This will give you a clear picture of your performance viz a viz your goals.

Concentrate more on Cardio exercise that you can do without equipment and accessories. Instead, concentrate on simple exercises that lead you to an acceptable level of body fitness without spending anything at all.

If you match your body composition with your target on a monthly basis, you will easily understand whether you are on target to reach your goals.

You can increase your knowledge on the subject of fitness by perusing the thousands of websites on the subject or by subscribing to a weekly, fortnightly on the monthly magazine that you can order mailed to you.
Diet is an important factor in weight loss and fitness. A protein, vitamin plus essential nutrient diet taken in a balanced fashion in small quantities at regular intervals will go a long way in your endeavors for weight loss and fitness. Drinking plenty of water helps, you get rid of the toxins in the body.
Click here to know more about fitness and Gyms Raleigh.
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Zi Xiu Tang Gets Your Wedding Weight Loss on Track!
If you've finally found the perfect wedding dress, but it's a size or two smaller than you'd like, then it may be time to pick up Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face and Figure capsules to help you slim down for your big day. Affectionately known as ZXT, Zi Xiu Tang Beauty capsules are one of the best herbal weight loss supplements available over-the-counter.
Wedding Weight Loss Made Easy
Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen capsules are great weapons for female weight loss and natural body detoxification. Developed according to the theories of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes healing the complete person rather than an isolating and treating a problem, Zi Xiu Tang uses a three part process to detoxify your body in an effective, natural manner which yields effortless weight loss for women just like you! Best of all, this product works on its own, with no need for restrictive diets or excessive exercise necessary on your part. Simply allow yourself to focus on your wedding plans while this natural herbal body detox does all the work for you.
Wedding Weight Loss - Experience Detox Success
Right now, you probably think I'm crazy and completely "full of crap," but I'm being completely truthful when I say Zi Xiu Tang Beauty capsules do all the dirty work. All you have to do, honestly speaking, is simply follow the instructions and keep it moving! Every morning, or afternoon, or whenever you wake up, you take two of these all natural bee pollen capsules with a glass of water and/or your breakfast, just as you would a morning multivitamin or other herbal health or detox supplement.
Afterwards, continue on about your day, and make sure you're taking plenty of (preferably alkaline) water and make sure that you listen to your body's needs. If your body asks for chicken, give it chicken. You might find yourself craving for something you usually don't like or haven't had in a while; if it's within reach and availability, then enjoy that as well. What's happening is your body is gathering the nutrients it needs for optimal health and healing - the best benefit of any detox system. Sometimes, we don't realize what we need or are actually missing until we allow our bodies to make a proper assessment and quietly assert its desires.
What you'll notice, if you take the plunge and put faith in Zi Xiu Tang's all natural bee pollen capsules, is that your body will transform from flab to fab on its own. Usually women notice weight loss within the first six days or less when they give this supplement a trial run. Most often, the weight loss is seen in stubborn fat deposits, particularly those in your midsection and upper arms. It's definitely not unheard of to feel and see your clothes and jeans fitting looser simply from giving this product a try.
Let's be truthful: you won't always have the time to sweat it out at the gym while you're trying to handle all your wedding plans, but this doesn't mean your wedding day beauty should have to suffer for it. TryZi Xiu Tang Beauty Face and Figure capsules for pre - wedding weight loss, especially if you want to fit into that special gown on your big day. It's completely worth the time, and takes little effort on your part, unless exerting patience requires excessive effort for you. Even then, it's still not a big battle because you will lose both fat and inches in less than one week - and maybe, just maybe those 6 days are all you need to be the blushing beautiful bride you've always envisioned yourself - and the hot sexy, vixen he's always fantasized you are during your honeymoon! *wink, wink*
Still not convinced? Here are 5 Reasons to Use Zi Xiu Tang Beauty for Wedding Weight Loss!

When you lose weight your body is changing rapidly. These changes will be reflected in your skin, and sometimes not in a good way. You can suffer from stretch marks, as well as acne and breakouts. Let's look at how you can handle those challenges.
Stretch marks are revealed as you start to lose weight. You may have the silvery marks on your tummy, your thighs, and on your underarms as well. These marks will fade over time.
Acne can be more challenging. Just when you're starting to lose weight and are looking great and feeling good, you start to get acne.
1. Stretch Marks and Other Skin Care Concerns
As you continue to lose weight, you may find that your skin is more oily, or even more dry. Make sure that you're drinking plenty of water. The water is essential because as your body burns fat, it releases toxins, which are stored in the fat, into your system. Water will flush your system, and you'll feel better.
Use cocoa butter and vitamin E oil on your stretch marks each day. Massage the butter and oil mixture into your skin.
2. Acne and Breakouts
Acne and breakouts can be challenging. If you drink enough water, you'll minimize the chances that you get breakouts.
You should use natural skin care, so that you're not clogging your pores with chemicals.
If you have acne, use an oatmeal and milk rinse on your face daily. To make the rinse, take a teaspoon of oatmeal, and soak it in a cup of milk overnight. Massage this rinse into your skin and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing it off. This will leave your skin lovely and soft and will dry out breakouts. (Keep the rinse in the refrigerator and use it up within two days.)
3. More Natural Skin Care from Your Kitchen to Help Your Skin as You Lose Weight
Honey is wonderful for your skin at any time, especially when you're losing weight. Just take a teaspoon of honey and massage it into your skin. Leave the honey for five minutes, and rinse it away. The honey not only cleans your skin, but moisturizes and disinfects it too.
If your skin feels rough, you can use an olive oil and salt mixture as an exfoliant. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of salt, then rub this into your skin. You can use the mixture as an all-over exfoliant.
Need weight loss inspiration and help? Subscribe to Julia Denham's 30 Day Slimmer's Weekly Newsletter - we're dedicated to YOUR weight loss. Receive completely free our vegetarian recipe book of over 200 pages, as your gift, just for subscribing. Discover how you can lose weight easily and have fun while you're doing it on our blog:

Nuts are the favorite snacks for a lot of women. Nuts are not only very nutritious, but also play an important role in skin-beauty and weight-loss. As a result, this article will introduce five kinds of nutritious and healthy nuts for you.
1. Walnut
The phospholipids composition contained in walnut can increase the activity of cells, so it plays an important role in maintaining the function of cranial nerves, enhancing the delicateness of skin, and promoting the growth of hair. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can lower the level of cholesterol in the body. In addition, the calcium, magnesium, carotene and various kinds of vitamins contained in walnut also have a certain effect on the patients who suffer from habitual constipation.
2. Pine nut kernel
Pine nut kernel tastes sweet and is warm in nature. It has the effects of beautifying the skin, relieving a cough, relaxing the bowels, and so on. The fat component in pine nut kernel is mainly unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid and linoleic acid. These unsaturated fatty acids have a laxative effect and can expel the excessive waste out of the body. What's more, it also has an effect in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
3. Almond
Almond is rich in cellulose. Scientific research points out that cellulose can help lower the content of cholesterol in the blood. A handful of almonds contain the same amount of cellulose as that in an orange or an apple. In addition, almond also contains a variety of plant chemical elements. Studies have shown that, these elements can help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases.
4. Cashew nut
Cashew nut is extremely rich in mineral substances, including zinc, magnesium, iron and copper, all of which are the essential nutrients to human body. At the same time, it contains plenty of fat and oil, which can relax bowel movement, moisten the skin, and delay the aging process.
5. Pistachio nut
Experts point out that, eating 28 grams of pistachio nuts every day is very healthy to human body, because it not only will not make you fat, but can help control the weight. This is because eating pistachio nuts can give people a feeling of satiety, thereby helping to reduce the intake of food and control the weight. Often eating some pistachio nuts can also prevent constipation and help detoxify the body. In addition, pistachio nut is also rich in vitamin A, which not only has an anti-aging effect, but also can enhance physical fitness and treat kidney diseases.
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Raw diet promotes beauty. To begin with, one reaches his or her ideal weight more readily and maintains it with much less effort than on a cooked diet. Many people lose 15 pounds in a month or two with no feeling of deprivation whatsoever. Obese people lose much more than that while eating raw fats all they want, including raw "ice cream," avocados, nuts and olives. Raw fats (from avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, coconut butter et al.) are actually needed by the body to maintain youthful skin, hair and glands. They are rich in the essential fatty acids linolenic acid and linoleic acid that are denatured by heat.
Raw food pioneer Dr. Ann Wigmore wrote, "The effectiveness of live foods and fresh juices, especially wheatgrass juice, has bankrupted many complex theories about why we become fat and how to reduce quickly ... Among our guests at the [Hippocrates Health] Institute, the average weight loss per week is between four and fifteen pounds" (The Wheatgrass Book, p. 59).
Studies have shown that raw food is less fattening than the same food cooked. According to Dr. Edward Howell, raw fats are not fattening and seem to belong in "a special pigeonhole in nutritional speculations" (Enzyme Nutrition, p.109). While cooked fats accumulate in the body and become very detrimental to our health, raw fats contain lipase (deficient in many obese people), the enzyme involved in metabolizing fat properly.
The word "Eskimo" means "raw eater," as the Eskimos traditionally ate nothing cooked but subsisted chiefly on raw meat and blubber. Dr. V. E. Levine examined 3,000 primitive Eskimos during three trips to the Arctic and found only one person who was overweight.
Cooked starches are also very fattening. Farmers have even learned that it is necessary to feed their animals cooked food to fatten them up for maximal profit. Hogs do not get fat on raw potatoes, but cooking the potatoes makes them gain weight.
In addition to reaching your body's ideal weight, many other beauty factors blossom on a raw diet. Cellulite, which is thought to result from eating heated fats, gradually disappears with the consumption of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. On a raw diet, elimination of cellular waste and increased lymphatic drainage helps remove cellulite.
As the body's old cells are replaced with new, healthy cells through proper nutrition that only a raw diet provides, your hair grows in thicker and at times wilder. It may even regain color after having been gray, as did Ann Wigmore's. Your skin may become as soft and smooth as it was in your youth. Your nails will be strong, clear and shiny. Facial lines may fade or disappear; the face's pasty, white complexion becomes ruddy or rosy. People may remark on how much younger you look. Your eyes will sparkle.
The Hippocrates Health Institute, one of the places where people have gone to learn about the raw food diet, was once described by Cosmopolitan magazine as the "well-kept secret" of beauty and rejuvenation of various famous Hollywood movie stars and celebrities. Now the news media are letting the secret out.
When Demi Moore appeared in a bikini in the Charlie's Angels movie Full Throttle and looked every bit as great as the women younger than her, the word went out that the secret was her raw food diet. Other celebrities who have caught the wave include Alicia Silverstone and Woody Harrelson.
Model Carol Alt wrote in her book Eating in the Raw that the raw diet helps her stay beautiful, slim and young-looking. She attributes her current youthfulness and stamina to having eaten primarily raw food for eight years. She explains that in her thirties she had to starve herself and exercise a lot to stay trim. But as a raw fooder she is able to eat anything she wants, as long as it's raw, and she maintains her weight effortlessly, without ever feeling excess hunger. In addition, she claims she has better abdominal definition without exercising than she did as a cooked fooder who exercised regularly. She also has fewer wrinkles.
Health and beauty are intertwined. Dr. Herbert Shelton wrote, "The woman who maintains her health and youthfulness will retain her attractiveness. If she permits her health to slip away from her, if she values indulgences and frivolities more than she does health and impairs her health in the pursuit of false pleasure, she will lose her BEAUTY; and no art of the cosmetician and dressmaker will be able to preserve it for her."
Researcher Arnold De Vries writes, "In the final analysis, we must regard beauty, health and youth as intimately related. To the extent that you preserve one in your physical being, you also preserve the others. The uncooked fruit and vegetable diet, pure water, sleep and rest, sunshine, strong relationships, exercise, fresh air, fasting if necessary, and abstinence from drugs, vaccines, serums and other toxins are the prime requirements in your attempt to preserve your youth, health and beauty as long as you can" (The Fountain of Youth).
The face becomes more beautiful with a raw diet. "Skin loses its slackness and puffiness and clings to the bones better," write Susannah and Leslie Kenton (Raw Energy, p. 90). "The true shape of the face emerges where once it was obscured by excess water retention and poor circulation. Lines become softer. Eyes take on the clarity and brightness one usually associates with children or with super-fit athletes."
Nutritionist Natalia Rose, author of The Raw Food Detox Diet, profoundly praises the raw food diet as being the key to permanent weight loss. It's a lifestyle in which a woman can even attain her perfect shape without formal exercise or counting calories or grams of fat or carbohydrates and regardless of having had several children. The skin tone improves as cells become healthier and tighter. One dares to go out without make-up.
Tonya Zavasta describes her lifelong obsession with attaining beauty, which she finally discovered in her 40s through a 100% raw food diet. In her book Your Right to Be Beautiful, she explains how each of us can fulfill our full beauty potential, which is robbed by the toxic accumulation of cooked foods, dairy, wheat, salt and drugs. "Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive" (p. 134).
She goes on to explain that on a diet of uncooked foods, "The landscape of the body will change. Fat that has accumulated in pockets under the eyes and at the jaw will melt away. The lumpy potato look of one's face will give way to sleek and smooth contours. The surface of the skin will become soft and smooth but still firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion" (p. 137).
She furthermore describes the radiance and glow produced internally when there is "an abundance of clear, pink, almost transparent cells that light up the face," which is produced by superior blood circulation. Even the most beautiful supermodel would be enhanced by a raw food diet. She notes that the modern-day version of beauty is more in harmony with health than perhaps ever before, hence "the quest for beauty, instead of a narcissistic preoccupation, becomes a noble pursuit."
Tonya came across many women who would not eat a raw diet for their health, preferring just to take medications. However, they would go raw for beauty, as there is no pill for beauty. In her book Beautiful on Raw, ten women contributed their own experiences of how raw diets added to their beauty.
Various observations were that hair grew out with color instead of gray, sometimes with natural waves or curls, and fingernails grew strong, long and shapely. Cellulite vanished effortlessly. Puffiness in the body and face disappeared, and the skin cleared up. These women often get complimented on the "glow" of their faces. They feel confident without make-up. Their inner beauty and confidence also radiate. They look younger than ever and have no fear whatsoever of getting old. One of the women is 64 and still gets checked out by "the young whippersnappers" when she is at the gym!
Interestingly, many of them, before eating raw, had never been called "beautiful" by anyone, even when they were much younger. One of the women wrote about suddenly becoming aware of the benefits of being attractive, benefits which one who had always been beautiful would take for granted. People were nicer to her, cops didn't give her tickets, and salespeople waited on her first.
The authors of Raw Food/Real World explain, "People who eat only raw, plant-based foods have an unmistakable shine, like a pregnant woman in her second trimester or someone newly in love. They have a radiant positive energy."
You haven't reached your beauty potential until you've tried a raw food diet.
Susan Schenck, LAc, MTOM, is a raw food coach, lecturer, and author of The Live Food Factor, The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet, known as the encyclopedia of the raw food diet. Go to to get a free chapter from her book.

The overcrowded diet pill market has many products within its genre that do that more than just help to aid weight loss. The NV Rapid Weight Loss and Beauty Pill is just one in a long list of dual purpose diet pills.
The marketing people behind the advertising have done clever job in firstly employing the services of a face and body, Carmen Electra to be precise. The actress, singer and model does not seem as though she is in need of much help in the weight loss or beauty department but nevertheless it is easier to promote a weight loss pill with evidence of success.
The packaging of this diet pill is rather confusing - bright pillar box red as opposed to the normal pharmaceutical type packaging. It is more inline with a perfume products than one for weight loss.
Marketing aside, the important question is Does the NV Rapid Weight Loss Pill Work?
The formula consists of three modules; weight loss, energy compound and a beauty complex. So a three in one pill if you like.
The weight loss part does not appear to contain enough of the active ingredients needed to help with weight loss and dieting. The stated 267 mg combining Hoodia Gordonii extract, green tea extract and Theobromide should be more concentrated - but then how would they squeeze in the energizer and beautifier?
The energizer part contains ginseng, adaptogens and rhodeola rosea - when combined forms a tried a tested pick me up and can increase energy and mental awareness.
Lastly, the complex aimed at improving beauty contains collagen, alpha lipoic acid and silca with a bit of Q10 thrown in for good measure. A combination of these substances has been wheeled out for years and sold as the answer to every womens prayers as a way of holding back the effects of time on the skin.
As with most of these dual purpose weight loss pills (or tri purpose in this case) it tries to compete in too many markets rather than concentrate on just dieters. Although people in need of a weight loss solution would be partial to an added bonus of added energy and extra beauty I am certain that the major reason for buying the diet pill is for its weight loss benefits, which sadly this diet pill does not deliver.
Tony Jay writes for here you will information and reviews of leading Diet Pills

Oh, our obsessive quest for youth and beauty. It drives our behavior and beliefs of what is good, right and possible. Sometimes the obsession can drive us over the edge to "try anything" to get and maintain the result we think we need and want.
It seems in the past few years the consumer public was awakened to the health risks of stimulants, prescription drugs and other psychotherapeutics; e.g., amphetamines, Ephedra, Oxycontin, etc. The quest for immediate management and control over our lives, bodies and emotional states motivates us to make short-term decisions that oftentimes lead to long-term, dire consequences.
I can't tell you how many times I have coached female clients away from the desire and thought of liposuction to "suck out the fat" and smooth the lines of their legs and abdomen. I've done it by actually "scaring them straight" first through the risks and potential loss of life as a result of the procedure, and lastly by outlining the costs and short-term results it will bring about.
The unfortunate stimulant and steroid drug use of athletes and celebrities in track and field, baseball, football and now the entertainment industry, will likely be an ongoing debate for many years to come. Each person involved in the current inquiries clearly made a consistent personal decision - daily, weekly or monthly - to use a stimulant or drug in the pursuit of enhanced performance, looks, beauty or attractiveness. Their decisions were supported by the equally responsible medical, sports and fitness industry consultants, trainers and professionals that fed, procured or produced the pill or injection used.
Brendan J. Lyons, Albany Times Union senior writer, states in a recent article, entitled, Steroids Beyond Sports, "Entertainers using steroids is not new. Last year, Hollywood action-film stalwart Sylvester Stallone paid a $2,975 fine in Australia to settle criminal charges he illegally possessed vials of steroids and human growth hormone discovered during a customs inspection of his luggage." While Stallone reportedly used the drugs, "to treat his body for a slowdown of his pituitary gland production of growth hormone and for the grueling training he's done over the years making films," according to the Australian Associated Press, Lyons states, "taking the substances in an effort to slow aging or promote healing, which is an unproven claim, is not an allowable reason for a physician to prescribe steroids or growth hormone."
It is clear that there are several doctors, pharmacies, clinics, and many personal trainers doing their "best" to support, feed and profit from the obsessive behavior of several in the general public who quest for youth, beauty and attractiveness.
There are "prescription only" stimulants like Dexedrine, Desoxyn, that are used and prescribed for weight loss and nutritional deficiencies as well as anabolic steroids, like Anadrol, Equipoise and others, that have been prescribed for treatment of anemia, growth stimulation, gonad and/or gynecological dysfunction and disorders. Whether prescription or not, all stimulants are psychologically addictive. Users of stimulants become dependent on the drug to avoid the "down" feeling often experienced when the drug's effect wears off. Users of the performance enhancing steroids become addicted as well and their financial empires destroyed as result when the usage has been revealed.
That boost we get from that morning cup of coffee is the result of the caffeine that naturally occurs in coffee. Caffeine, a common herbal stimulant is found in tea as well, but also in soft drinks and other foods and dietary supplements, can be bought over-the-counter or over the internet, in tablet form. Too much of it can obviously cause anxiousness, headaches, and the "jitters." Caffeine is also addictive and a person who abruptly stops drinking it may experience withdrawal symptoms.
Herbal stimulants and extracts, such as Ma-Huang and ginseng cannot be left out of the equation. Ma-Huang contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which are used in over the counter medications for asthma (ephedrine) and as a nasal decongestant (pseudoephedrine). Sold as a stimulant and weight loss product, the and like caffeinated beverages, ephedrine-containing products apparently can be consumed safely in moderate amounts by healthy people, no more than 8mg of ephedrine be consumed every six hours with a maximum intake of 24mg per day. However, because of the serious side effects and deaths associated with miss-use of the herbal stimulant, the FDA has recommended consumers not use the supplement if they suffer with: 
  • heart disease; angina (chest pain); irregular heartbeats; high blood pressure; or blood vessel disease;
  • asthma or other lung disease;
  • diabetes;
  • insomnia;
  • eating disorders (such as anorexia or bulimia);
  • glaucoma;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease or hepatitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, mania, bipolar disorder or psychosis;
  • prostate problems;
  • urinary retention; or seizures.
So with all that said, what stimulants are you using or willing to use in your quest for health, beauty and weight loss? Personally, I like a good run in the gym or park followed by an hour or two with my favorite teacher or trainer to keep me motivated, working at my highest possible level to keep my butt, legs and heart strong. But that is, of course, after starting the day with a large 12-ounce cup of black coffee!
Managing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires long-term actions that are consistent and thoughtful. It's a process that takes work and focus - everyday - to manage dietary habits, cardiovascular conditioning and strength and muscle development. Aging is the course of natural life. There is no pill, drug or elixir to "cure" it. The fix is to live life, love the life and learn to enjoy the process of managing the lifestyle.
Gina Jackson made a conscious career and lifestyle change to fitness in 2000 and assists clients in lifestyle fitness training programs; she is the Fitness Consultant, creator and energy behind the and, both of which provide fitness resources, tips, articles and MP3 downloads designed to assist all in realizing their fitness goals.
In addition to being a webmaster, Gina holds an MBA, from New York University, has Advanced PFT recognition as a member of the International Association of Fitness Professionals (IDEA); and is certified as a NY Power Pilates Teacher and a proud Business Member of the Pilates Method Alliance.
Please Note: You are granted permission to republish this article on your site only with maintenance of the credits, links and author's bio intact.

Have you ever noticed that most of the leading women in movies and television shows are very skinny? Many celebrity women are so skinny that they barely have any feminine curves. There might be a less important-probably funny-female character on the show that is overweight, but you almost never see a plus-sized leading lady.
If you are a magazine-reader, you might have noticed a similar phenomenon. You almost never see overweight people represented in popular literature. And online advertising is the same-lots of very thin people and never very many larger ones.
The message that we receive as consumers is that thin is beautiful. After all, the thin people are the only ones we see, and they usually look perfect without any pimples or age spots. The advertisers invite us to compare ourselves to the people we see in the ads. They are asking, "Do you look as good as this person?" If the answer is no, they are hoping that you will be willing to buy whatever they are selling to make yourself look better. That's the major advertising strategy.
Unfortunately, not everyone can be as skinny as the actors and models that we hold as our standard of beauty. Differences in genetics alone prevent many women and men from ever having a chance of being a size 2 or a 26 inch waist.
Instead of simply accepting the fact that everyone has a unique body, many people are desperate to lose weight so that they can be beautiful. They are not satisfied with their bodies, and they assume that other people find them unattractive too.
When you are desperate to lose weight, you might be willing to crash diet, become anorexic, or take dangerous supplements to get the job done. You may not even be aware of the risks of your weight loss attempts. For example, women who spend years crash dieting are more like to develop diabetes than women who do not.
Weight loss can, of course, be very good for your health. A lot of diseases are made worse by excess weight, and you might need to drop a few pounds for medical reasons. This is a good motivation because you are not likely to do anything extreme if your health is so important to you.
But if you are obsessed with losing weight just to look beautiful, you might want to think about a few things. You've probably heard the adage, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." It really is true that every person has somewhat different ideas about what makes a person beautiful. Some people are attracted to a very skinny form, but others like more curves. The trick is finding a mate that likes your particular shape, regardless of your size.
Also, remember that your life is not likely to change very drastically just because you lose weight. You will have the same family and the same friends, as well as the same life difficulties that you faced before. You might assume that losing weight and becoming more beautiful will fix all of your problems, but that just isn't very likely. You will still be you, and the people who like you now should still like you then.
Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures like Botox to advanced procedures like Body Lift. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing Guide.